October, 2023 Newsletter

Delayed Summer Update

We had hoped to meet with the Ministry of Health and Addiction in July. However, as you know, Alberta has newly elected and appointed ministers in both Health and Mental Health and Addictions, which is taking the ministry time to brief them in their new roles. Also, Danielle Smith released the mandate letters slowly throughout the summer, and the Mandate Letter for Mental Health and Addiction was only released last month, which delays the Minister's process to prioritize portfolios and work plans. 

Despite the summer delays, ACTA leaders and the Board continued working hard to mobilize the completion of the CCTA by  meeting with elected officials as they are doing their summer "circuits." Additionally, as Mandate Letters were released, we sent each ministry a strategic letter demonstrating how the CCTA helps achieve their given mandates.

Meeting with Mental Health and Addiction Minister's Office

We met with Eric Engler, Chief of Staff to Dan Williams, Minister of Mental Health and Addiction, on September 12, 2023. The good news is the Minister’s Office has now stated they are interested in maintaining open lines of communication directly with ACTA. We agree the best way forward and to reduce workloads is to communicate and collaborate effectively with each other and the Ministry of Mental Health and Addiction and Health Workforce Planning and Accountability departments. 

We were pleased to hear the Minister’s office is currently identifying when the work about the CCTA will be scheduled within this Government’s work plan. Eric Engler suggested there would be a follow-up with ACTA shortly. Hopefully, at that time, there will be an opportunity to have a meeting with the government departments that have worked on the CCTA consultation and drafting the regulations to clarify the work that has been done in the past and what is still needed to satisfy the Minister of Mental Health and Addiction.

First Nation, Metis, Inuit and Indigenous Relations

ACTA continues prioritizing relationships and partnerships with diverse First Nations, Metis and Indigenous health leaders. Over the summer, we have had meaningful conversations with Health Directors from Treaty 6, G4 Tribal Council, Blackfoot Confederacy, Metis Nation of Alberta and an upcoming meeting with Treaty 8.

ACTA invites authentic relationships and collaboration to support the proclamation of the CCTA and future work of the CCTA to address systemic racism and counsellors’ Indigenous cultural safety competencies. These conversations have been positive, with shared agreements that mental health is health and warrants additional safety measures, counsellors need to be held accountable for cultural safety competencies, and Alberta First Nations, Metis, Inuit, and Indigenous people need improved access and funding for effective and safe mental health counselling. 

Registration Information Session

Registration Information session about Intermediate Route (Grandparenting)

Oct 19th @ 12:00 - 1:00

Attend a short presentation on the registration process from ACTA Interim CEO/Registrar, and Registration Manager
with time for Q&A about registration.

Upcoming Professional Development

ACTA Members: FREE
* Members - Check your email registered with your ALINITY account to receive your webinar code to register for free.

Non-ACTA Members:  $75.00

How to Become Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive Practitioner

November 16, 12:00-1:30
Facilitator: Gina Ko, Ph.D.

Coming in January: 

Mitigating Liability Risks in Clinical Supervision and Clinical  Consultation

Facilitator: Micheala Slipp, EdD, RCT-C, CCC-S

Coming in February/March: 

Two Part Series on....
Delivering mental health support in rural areas and
building therapeutic relationships with farmers.

Facilitator: Dr. Rebecca Purc-Stephenson

Keep watch for registration and more workshops announced for spring! 

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