Application fee: $200 plus GST (non-refundable)
Application fee for current ACTA members applying for another title: $50 plus GST (non-refundable)
$432.00/year (non-refundable)
During renewal period in March, Pre-Authorized Debit is available as a payment option (April - January $43.20).
$50 - If membership fees are not paid within 2 weeks following approval of application
$50 - If renewal process and membership fees are not completed on time.
Failure to pay all fees and complete renewal processes will result in
the application file being closed or membership being expelled.
Will ACTA be providing membership services?
ACTA will continue to work hard toward regulation, which is our most important service to you. We will also continue to accept and process new registrations to ACTA.
ACTA has been providing educational sessions about the draft Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice free to ACTA members to support safe and ethical practices for public protection. Certifications of Attendance are provided to participants.
ACTA will remain in the role of “pre-regulation” and does not intend to provide membership services that would duplicate the services provided by the Federation Associations to their members.