Message to Member — April 25, 2020

 Dear ACTA members,

Thank you for all you are doing to provide service in these unprecedented times. The last month has seen drastic changes to the way we live our lives. 

As practitioners working in the field along with you, we are intimately aware of what you, your families and your clients are facing. Many of us, and our clients, are dealing with uncertainty and anxiety. Please make time to care for yourself as you care for others, and know you are not alone. 

Even through this time, the Board has been working diligently toward proclamation of the College of Counselling Therapy of Alberta.  As this is ACTA’s continued mandate and priority, we are relying on all associations to provide information, support and guidance to their members regarding COVID-19 response. Thank you to all the associations for your diligence and support. 

ACTA has also been communicating with the provincial government to ensure they understand the particular needs and implications of this pandemic for Addiction Counselling, Counselling Therapy and Child & Youth Care Counselling, and the public we serve and care for. We have heard many of you communicate that now is the best time for this College to be proclaimed, and we share in that belief.

Please reach out to Board members or to the Registrar at any time, for whatever reason.  

With caring,

Your ACTA Board
Your CEO/Registrar

Nicole Imgrund